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New Experience Recovery

Services We Offer

At New Experience Recovery, we understand that the path to recovery is a deeply personal journey, unique to each individual. Our comprehensive range of services reflects this understanding, providing targeted, personalized care that addresses the various aspects of addiction and recovery. Our programs offer a blend of evidence-based therapies, holistic treatments, and supportive resources, all designed to guide you towards lasting recovery.

Services - Drug Abuse Treatment

Drug Abuse Treatment

At the heart of our services is our drug abuse treatment program, which focuses on helping individuals overcome the grip of drug addiction. Our approach is comprehensive, addressing not just the addiction itself, but also the underlying issues that contribute to it. We understand that addiction often co-occurs with other mental health disorders, and our team of experienced professionals is equipped to treat these co-occurring conditions, providing a holistic approach to recovery.

Our drug abuse treatment program includes both individual and group therapy sessions, offering an opportunity for individuals to explore their addiction in a safe, supportive environment. Our therapists utilize a range of evidence-based treatment modalities, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and trauma-informed therapies. Through these therapies, individuals learn to understand their addiction, develop coping mechanisms, and work towards building a healthier, substance-free life.

Services - Drug Abuse Treatment
Services - Rehabilitation Therapy

Rehabilitation Therapy

Our rehabilitation therapy services focus on helping individuals rebuild their lives after addiction. We understand that recovery extends beyond overcoming substance use—it’s about relearning how to function in everyday life, developing healthy relationships, and finding purpose and satisfaction in sobriety.

Our rehabilitation therapy program includes life skills training, vocational guidance, and wellness education. We also provide ongoing support for individuals as they transition back into their community, ensuring they have the resources and support necessary to maintain their recovery.

We offer three primary levels of care to suit different recovery needs:

  1. Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP): Our PHP is designed for individuals who require more intensive treatment. This program offers a structured environment where individuals receive therapy and support during the day, returning home in the evenings. It’s an ideal step-down from inpatient care or a step-up for those who need more support than traditional outpatient services can provide.
  2. Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): Our IOP provides a higher level of care than traditional outpatient programs, offering multiple hours of therapy and support groups several times a week. This program provides the intensive support needed while still allowing individuals to maintain their daily responsibilities.
  3. Outpatient Counseling (OP): For individuals who have a stable living environment and require less intensive care, our outpatient counseling offers ongoing support and education on addiction and recovery. This includes individual and group therapy sessions that provide continuous care to prevent relapse.
Services - Rehabilitation Therapy

At New Experience Recovery, our goal is to provide compassionate, effective treatment that meets you where you are in your recovery journey. Whether you are just beginning your journey or seeking continued support after completing a residential program, our dedicated team is here to guide you towards a healthier, fulfilling life free from addiction.

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